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Pishimuat (Months)

Study these words

tshishe-pishimᵘ na

month of January

Listen to all dialects Central Central East East West West Sheshatshiu Sheshatshiu Mushuau Mushuau

epishiminishkueu na

month of February

Listen to all dialects Central Central East East West West Sheshatshiu Sheshatshiu Mushuau Mushuau

uinashku-pishimᵘ na

month of March

Listen to all dialects Central Central East East West West Sheshatshiu Sheshatshiu Mushuau Mushuau

shiship-pishimᵘ na

month of April

Listen to all dialects Central Central East East West West Sheshatshiu Sheshatshiu Mushuau Mushuau

nissi-pishimᵘ na

month of May

Listen to all dialects Central Central East East West West Sheshatshiu Sheshatshiu Mushuau Mushuau

uapikun-pishimᵘ na

month of June

Listen to all dialects Central Central East East West West Sheshatshiu Sheshatshiu Mushuau Mushuau

shetan-pishimᵘ na

month of July

Listen to all dialects Central Central East East West West Sheshatshiu Sheshatshiu Mushuau Mushuau

upau-pishimᵘ na

month of August

Listen to all dialects Central Central East East West West Sheshatshiu Sheshatshiu Mushuau Mushuau

ushkau-pishimᵘ na

month of September

Listen to all dialects Central Central East East West West Sheshatshiu Sheshatshiu Mushuau Mushuau

uashtessiu-pishimᵘ na

month of October

Listen to all dialects Central Central East East West West

takuatshi-pishimᵘ na

month of November

Listen to all dialects Central Central East East West West Sheshatshiu Sheshatshiu Mushuau Mushuau

pishimuss na

month of December

Listen to all dialects Central Central East East West West Sheshatshiu Sheshatshiu Mushuau Mushuau

Activity completed