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Vocabulary from Class 1

VOCABULARY 1 flashcards presented in the order seen in Innu-aimun courses at Université de Montréal

Beginner: Intended for Innu speakers (L1) or second-language learners (L2).

Study these words

uapimin na


Listen to all dialects East East

utshekatakᵘ na


Listen to all dialects East East

uapush na

hare, rabbit

Also: snowshoe hare

Listen to all dialects East East

tuan na

ball, balloon, marble

Listen to all dialects East East

ushpuakan na


Listen to all dialects East East

utshu ni


Listen to all dialects East East

pakueshikan na

bread or loaf of bread

Listen to all dialects Central Central East East West West

mishkumi na

ice cream

Listen to all dialects East East

pashpapuakan ni

window, pane of glass

Listen to all dialects East East

massin ni

shoe, boot, moccasin

Listen to all dialects East East

tetapuakan ni

seat, chair, bench

Listen to all dialects East East

minakan ni

drinking glass, mug, cup

Listen to all dialects East East

tshishtukan ni


Listen to all dialects East East

uishautikᵘ na

bull, cow

Also: steer, ox; beef

Listen to all dialects East East

utei ni

heart (of an animal)

Listen to all dialects East East

akup ni

coat or jacket

Listen to all dialects East East

nepanan ni


Listen to all dialects East East

missip na

eider duck (Somateria mollissima)

Listen to all dialects East East

minush na


Listen to all dialects East East

tshishtekaikan ni


Listen to all dialects East East

Activity completed