Uh-oh! We don't have this lesson in the dialect. It has been replaced with the East dialect.

Match written translations

Click the Innu word/phrase and its corresponding translation

Kuei nuitsheuakan! Eshe miam.

Hello my friend! Yes [I'm] fine.

Iame uenapissish!

See you soon!

Apu tshekuan tutaman.

I'm not doing anything special.

Ekᵘ tshin, tan eshpanin?

And you, how are you?

Eshkᵘ nitshishkutamakaun innu-aimun.

I'm taking Innu language classes again.

Niminupan, tshinashkumitin.

I'm well, thanks.

Ekᵘ, tshiminuaten a?

So, do you enjoy it?


I see!

Uemut uin.

Absolutely, of course.

Eukuan miam!

Okay, great!



Tshekuan etutamin?

What are you doing?

Nakatuenimitishu! Ma minuat tshika uapamitunan.

Take care! We'll see each other another time.

Miam a nuitsheuakan?

Doing well, my friend?

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