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Uiau (Body Parts)

Study these words

ututan nid

her/his heel

Listen to all dialects Central Central East East West West Sheshatshiu Sheshatshiu


her/his heel

Listen to all dialects Mushuau Mushuau

utshikun nid

her/his knee

Listen to all dialects Central Central East East West West

uitshikun nid

her/his knee

Listen to all dialects Sheshatshiu Sheshatshiu Mushuau Mushuau

utashtan na/ni

her/his calf (of leg)

Part of speech: NAD (Eastern dialect) or NID (Western dialect)

Listen to all dialects Central Central East East West West Sheshatshiu Sheshatshiu Mushuau Mushuau

ushukan nid

her/his lower back (human); its hindquarters (caribou, moose); its rump (small animals, birds)

Listen to all dialects Central Central East East West West Sheshatshiu Sheshatshiu Mushuau Mushuau

ushtikuan nid

her/his, its (anim) head

Listen to all dialects Central Central East East West West Sheshatshiu Sheshatshiu Mushuau Mushuau

ushpishkun nid

her/his, its (anim) back

Listen to all dialects Central Central East East West West Sheshatshiu Sheshatshiu Mushuau Mushuau

upuam nid

her/his thigh, its (anim) haunch

Listen to all dialects Central Central East East West West Sheshatshiu Sheshatshiu Mushuau Mushuau

uiau nid

her/his, its (anim) body

Listen to all dialects Central Central East East West West Sheshatshiu Sheshatshiu Mushuau Mushuau

ushkatai nid

her/his, its (anim) belly, abdomen

Listen to all dialects Central Central East East West West Sheshatshiu Sheshatshiu Mushuau Mushuau

utushkun nid

her/his elbow (human); its knee (four-legged animal)

Listen to all dialects Central Central West West

utushkan nid

her/his elbow (human); its knee (four-legged animal)

Listen to all dialects East East

utitiman nid

her/his shoulder

Listen to all dialects Central Central West West

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