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Ushtikuan (The Head)

Study these words

utashtamikᵘ nid

her/his face

utun nid

her/his, its (anim) mouth

utenni nid

her/his, its (anim) tongue

ussishikᵘ nid

her/his, its (anim) eye

utamakan nid

her/his cheek

uipit nid

her/his, its (anim) tooth

ushkush nid

her/his, its (anim) nose

ushkatikᵘ nid

her/his forehead

ukueiau nid

her/his, its (anim) neck

ushtikuan nid

her/his, its (anim) head

umamama nad

her/his eyebrow

uitukai nid

her/his, its (anim) ear

mishuiapunana na/ni

eyelashes (plural)

Singular form: mishuiapunan

pishkueun ni

hair (singular)

Plural form: pishkueuna

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