Uh-oh! We don't have this lesson in the dialect. It has been replaced with the East dialect.

Match written translations

Click the Innu word/phrase and its corresponding translation

Nin au Kaien.

I'm Gaëlle.

ekᵘ ne nutaui mupu an uin.

and my father, he's visiting.

Nikaui an. Mani ishinikashu.

She's my mother. Her name is Mani.

Niaut !


Niminueniten nin uiapamakaui ute tekushinitaui.

I'm happy to see them when they come here.

Kuei, auen tshin?

Hi, who are you?

Tanite uetshipaniht?

Where are they from?

Tshekuan ute Munianit etutamekᵘ?

What are you all doing in Montreal?

Shash kutuasht-tatupipuna eshpish tat ute.

She's been here since she was six years old.

Nete utshiu Tshishe-mishtikushiu-assit.

She's from Europe.

Eshe, nutaui an. Pieniss ishinikashu.

Yes, he's my dad. His name is Pieniss.

Eku miam, ma minuat tshika uapamitinan.

OK, we'll see you soon.

Ume nuitsheuakan Maniss ishinikashu.

Here's my friend, her name is Maryse.

Ma minuat, iame uenapissish!

Until next time, see you soon!

Nete Mashteuiatsh utshipanu nikaui ekᵘ ne nutaui nete Pessamit utshipanu.

My mother is from Mashteuiatsh and my father is from Pessamit.

Ipet nitishinikashun.

My name is Ipet.

Mauat, nikaui shatshuapameu natukunisha.

No, my mother is going to see a doctor.

Ekᵘ ne tshuitsheuakan, tan eshinikashut?

And your friend, what's her name?

Tshinatshi-atauenau a?

Are you shopping?

Ekᵘ ne tshutaui a ?

And him, is he your father?

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