Uh-oh! We don't have this lesson in the dialect. It has been replaced with the Eastern dialect.

Match written translations

Click the Innu word/phrase and its corresponding translation

Nikatshishkutamatsheshkueun, eukuan etatusseian.

I am a [female] teacher, that's what I do for work.

Tanite uetshipanin?

Where are you from?

Tan etatupipuneshin?

How old are you?

Niminueniten katshi takushinian.

I'm happy to have come.

Ani nitishinikashun.

My name is Annie.

Tan eshpanin? Tshiminupan a?

How are you? Are you doing well?

Tshui apashtan a tshekuan?

Do you want something?

Apu tshishenniuian.

I'm not old.

Kuei Ani!

Hello Annie!

Tshinashkumitinan katshi takushinin.

We thank you for your visit.

Anutshish, peikunnu ashu nishuasht shetan-pishimᵘ nishutshishemitashumitannu ashu peikunnu ashu peikushteu, ka itashtet mishta-atshitashun.

Today is July seventeenth, two thousand nineteen.

Ekuanitshit nutshipan.

I'm from Ekuanitshit.

Tan eshinikashuin?

What's your name?

Tan etatussein?

What is your job/profession?

Auen tshin?

Who are you?

Nishim Ani aimiatau.

Let's talk with my younger sister [or: younger brother] Annie.

Mauat apu tshekuan ui apashtaian.

No, I don't want anything.

Nitakushin, nishtikuan nitakushin.

I'm sick, my head hurts.


Tell us about yourself!

Nineunnuepipuneshin ashu patetat.

I'm forty-five years old.


I'm tired!

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